The anxiety is really building now because June is here. It’s about eighteen days or so till Lisa and I head off to the land of Oz to see K, family and support workers who help her.
At present the poor girl (well that’s how I think of her) has covid so is resting and feeling lousy. Many “Aspies” have chest problems which are aggravated by colds which gravitate there, turning to nasty bronchitis but it’s as well she has it now and not when we are due though needless to say I wish she hadn’t got it at all.
No Sleep
Sunday night was a “no-no” in terms of sleep. The problem started when the musical hallucinations did. I thought of the planes not making it or severe turbulence like that which affected those folks on their way to Singapore. Then the Delfonics paid me a visit, courtesy of my head. One song after another, after another, starting with: “Ready or not (Here I Come) and on and on it went till I gave up, popped my headphones on and let Alexa actually play the music through them in the hope it would end the songs from my internal Ipod. They played themselves out some time yesterday and I had what the Aussies would call a bonza sleep.
I expect to have rough nights over the next few days though everything is sorted including the visas; accommodation; car and all I need to do is get a haircut and some clothes and shoes.
More Visitors
I heard from K today and she told me her aunt plans to see us while I am away and this will add a bit of extra stress since she’ll be one more person to worry about when it comes to being careful not to offend or be offended by her own incomprehension of Asperger’s. She comes from a generation of people whose understanding of such things is perhaps not as good as it could be since information regarding it was scant and let’s face it, if I am mystified by other people’s behaviour and all that, then it’s logical it should work the other way round.
Tiredness magnifies the stresses and actually increases the inefficiency of the already dodgy filters. This will mean working even harder to cope well and get through without incident. I’m already aware that I am an infrequent flier and traveller and I will be a guest in someone else’s country. I don’t want to let K down because we are such good friendsand she is such a nice person. Also Lisa has to be thought about in terms of not letting her down either. What with that and hoping the aircraft takes off and lands safely, that’s more than enough to stop me sleeping and start the internal jukebox.
A funny to lighten the mood!
Have to end with a funny: A boy goes to school. He, the teachers and other pupils and the school are inflatable. The mischievous little imp takes a pin with him and attacks his teachers, peers and the walls of the building. Just as he hits the last teacher the Head collars him, saying:
“I want a serious word with you. Not only have you let your fellows down but you have let the teachers and the whole school down and you have now tried to let me and yourself down”.
Well, I tried didn’t I. That’s what I will say when and if I get back home safely. Lucky are the ones who just focus on enjoying themselves and what a nice time they will have, how lovely it will be to see their friend again and to hear the different birds and smell the clean air in the Blue Mountains. This is when I wish the Asperger’s away but I’ll be so proud of myself and K if we get through without a hitch, especially when “Auntie” comes.