Being Blind

Blog posts that discuss what life is like to be blind, from growing up to day to day life


My parents both came from big families.  Maybe that is what prompted their outlandish ideas. Nicholas Cunningham braced himself for another long week at the chalk face.  Teaching increasingly ill mannered, tired and undisciplined children was becoming more irksome by the week.  First of all, each incidence of bad behaviour now had to be put

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So Annoying!

Not a moan, but a plea! This isn’t a moan but rather a plea for whomever is responsible to make their websites accessible to screen readers so blind and partially sighted people can access them and where applicable, write to the appropriate people. Let me elaborate:I have read several books via the RNIB reading service

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Why Me?

Why Me? This is a question which has many answers when it comes to why individual people are given suffering of any sort to undergo. One answer is that it’s random. Another is that it’s a test of fortitude and endurance. Yet one more answer is that it is a punishment from an angry god

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